Friday, February 5, 2016

Kate Chopin The Great Awakening and The Story of an Hour

When Kate Chopin wrote the book "The Great Awaking" and the short story "The Story of an Hour"They both show many relations to each other. The relationship between the two character in ways are very similar. Edna Pontilleier and Lousie Mallard are both from the same time era in history. They are from a time when woman were not seen as anything other then a piece of property to their husbands and a person to take care of their children. I wouldn't even consider that a mother because you don't have a very well relation with your children as for the book it even shows how Mrs. And Mr. Pontilleier's children seem to have a better relationship with their nanny. As for your husband if you were lucky you ended up loving each  or hopefully have some type of feeling for each other but if you didn't that is  how you had to live for the rest of your life. In the story "The Story of an Hour" Mrs. Mallard as we know has a husband but she has just been informed that he has died in an accident. At first she is a sad woman crying, but then she goes up to her room and something happens. She turns into Louis she believes she isn't owned anymore she can finally go see the world instead of being locked in a small box of a house. Just like Edna when she is away from Mr. Pontilleier and with her friend Robert. Then both at different moments feel they have the relief of not being trapped and feeling as owned they become their own person and are finally able to express their  views and their own perspective of the world.

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